Get to know | Ol' M8 | 2018 | Novemeber

Get to know | Ol' M8 | 2018 | Novemeber



Having a Yarn with Ol' M8...
Michael Woodley

Where are you from?
Roebourne, WA

What is your favourite place in Australia and why?
Millstream, because it is the homeland of my people

What is one word that you think best describes you?
*Giggles* Compassionate but tough (bit of an oxymoron)

How did you hear about BK8 Outfitters?
My partner Lorraine

Favourite quote
“Leaders are Made, Not Born”



Having a Yarn with Ol' M8...
Heather Jones

Where are you from?
Harvey, WA

What is your favourite place in Australia and why?
Gold Coast, QLD.
When the girls were growing up we tried to go each year.
The Gold Coast holds holds happy family memories.

What is one word that you think best describes you?

How did you hear about BK8 Outfitters?
Saw the BK8 Shed at Fenacle

Favourite quote
To make a difference in someones life you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care!